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Interlibrary Loan guide

For information about Interlibrary Loan, see the Interlibrary Loan guide. How To Videos are included on the Start Here page.

Journals for Distance Students

For more information about obtaining journal articles if you are a distance students, see the Distance Studies Journals page.

Interlibrary Loan for Articles

When you searching in the Albertsons Library's databases and you come across articles with no link to the full text article, you can do do an ILL request for the article.

How will you know if there is no full text?  

First you will see if there is a link to the PDF or HTML full text article below the record.  If you don't see a link or icon, you can select the "Find It" button.  The Find It button will open up a window and possibly link you to the full text article in another database or directly from the publisher.  Occasionally you will see the message "No electronic access is available."  If you see this message, you can do an ILL request by selecting the "Interlibrary Loan" link (see below):

Image of "Request Item through Interlibrary Loan" button that you see if No electronic access is available for the item.

You will be asked to enter your Boise State user name and password, and then you can request the article.  If you haven't used the ILL service before, you will have to fill out a New User Registration Form first.