For general research information Media Arts research guide, and Management research guide.
Explore Census Data -- data provided by the federal government via Some types of information are more current than others. Can find information about demographics of specific zip codes or broader geographic areas.
American Community Survey - uses Census and other survey data to provide information on employment, health, income, housing, and other demographic data.
Indicators Idaho – Provided by University of Idaho Extension, find population, income and poverty, employment, housing, educational attainment, health, and other information sorted by Idaho county
Idaho at a Glance – Publications of the James A. & Louise McClure Center for Public Policy Research at University of Idaho with information on unique Idaho populations
Pew Research Center - “global nongovernmental organization that seeks to improve public policy, inform the public, and invigorate civic life” - provides reports on survey and collected data
Consumer Expenditure Survey -- “The Consumer Expenditure Survey (CE) program consists of two surveys, the Quarterly Interview Survey and the Diary Survey, that provide information on the buying habits of America's consumers, including data on their expenditures, income, and consumer unit (families and single consumers) characteristics. The survey data are collected for the Bureau of Labor Statistics by the U.S. Census Bureau.”
American Time Use Survey -- “measures the amount of time people spend doing various activities, such as paid work, childcare, volunteering, and socializing.” Provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Market Share Reporter -- a print resource in the library, “Presents market share data on over four thousand companies, and 2,500 products, facilities, and brands. Several entries are usually available under each industry.”
EDGAR Company Filings – Free access to more than 20 million filings through the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
County Business Patterns – This annual series provides "subnational” economic data by industry
Economic Indicators - From the U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis. Includes consumer spending tables, GDP, and more.
RAND – RAND Corporation, a non-profit, nonpartisan research organization that provides analysis and policy solutions on a wide range of issues affecting public and private sectors
Mintel – Global market research and intelligence company that specializes in providing insights and analysis of consumer markets, behaviors, and trends.
ABI/INFORM Collection -- aggregated database with multiple (lots) of business, public relations, communication, and management information.
Search for: “case study” AND (theatre OR theater)
Search for: “Pet services industry”; “pet care industry”
Other terms: market report
Let predictive text help you -- it will suggest the terms the database uses to describe the “think” you’re looking for
Marketing News -- Journal, “Publishes articles, interviews, commentary and news of note on marketing aimed at members of the American Marketing Association.”
Journal of Marketing Management -- Journal, “Concerned with all aspects of the management of the marketing mix; intended to provide a forum for the exchange of the latest ideas and best practice in the field of marketing as a whole.”
Journal of Public Relations Research – Journal, “publishes research that creates, tests, or expands public relations theory.”
Institute for Public Relations – Nonprofit foundation dedicated to fostering greater use of research and research-based knowledge in public relations and corporate communication practice
PR Journal - Public Relations Journal - free, web-based, open-access, quarterly academic journal from the Public Relations Society of America.
Association of Fundraising Professionals -- website for the association, includes resources and publications about nonprofit fundraising
Idaho Nonprofit Center -- includes information about programs, support, and nonprofit management resources like “Marketing, Public Relations & Media” and “Fundraising & Income Generation” or GuideStar- tracks where philanthropic donations come from, where they go, and provides tools on nonprofits, foundations, and grants
Charity Navigator – The nation's largest and most-utilized evaluator of charities
Boise State enrollment data of all students by status and year.
The Boise State University retention and graduation rates.
Surveys conducted of graduating students -- interactive dashboard displays results by college, major, and department. Looking at survey results of other colleges may help find information on the “competition” - other colleges and departments on campus.