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K-12 Curriculum Development

Resources for K-12 curriculum development

NEW! Expanded New York Times Subscription

New users can create an account by: 

  • Navigating to
  • Search for and select “Boise State University”
    • You will be redirected to the NYT registration page.
  • Click "Create Account" and complete fields; you must use your school issued @edu email
  • Verify your account (you will receive a confirmation email)

Once your subscription has been completed:

  • The New York Times in Education: Offers continually updated teaching resources with newspapers selected from influential educators around the world, recommended articles, and real life teaching applications in different subjects/co-curricular activities.

General Curriculum Resources

Annenberg Media: The Annenberg foundation has made available 100 multimedia courses to help teachers develop teaching strategies and class content in all areas of study, grades K-college/adult.

Idaho Department of Education - Content and curriculum

Discover Learning Plans Library - Contains lesson plans based on grade and subject

PBS Learning Media - Curriculum aligned videos, interactives, and lesson plans

Smithsonian Learning Lab - Supports learning in history, art, culture, and the sciences

TeachNet - Comprehensive lesson plans designed by teachers, for teachers

Idaho Commission for Libraries Connects All Idahoans to Free Library Materials home

Libraries Linking Idaho (LiLI) provides networked library services Idaho residents of all ages. LiLI Databases provide full-text articles from magazines, professional journals, newspapers, and reference books free to all Idaho residents. 

Best Bets for K-12 LiLI Databases

  • Academic Search Premier - a general database for peer reviewed research
  • Explora Primary - a full-text database providing popular children’s magazines, easy-to-read encyclopedic entries, and a vast image collection
  • Gale Ebooks - a collection of electronic specialized encyclopedias and reference books on a wide variety of subject areas
  • Learning Express Library - Grades 4-8 - can help students and educators in elementary and middle school prepare for important tests, get extra help with assignments, and boost their skills in important subjects
  • Novelist K-8 Plus - for readers in Grades K-8, find fiction and narrative nonfiction reading recommendations by book titles, author, genre, series, or key plot points
  • Primary Search - full text of magazines for elementary ages
  • ScienceTrek - PBS Learning Media presents materials that introduce science topics to elementary aged students
  • World Book Kids - concise entries, e-videos, and primary source documents


Idaho Digital Book Alliance (IDEA)

Is your school district a member? In 2020, in the midst of the COVID19 pandemic and in response to the growing need for electronic materials, the ICfL embarked on a quest to find a way to supplement e-book and e-audio materials already available in public and school libraries Students may obtain access to and borrow items from the IDEA collection at the school district level via the Sora app. There are no initial or ongoing costs to school districts.