Start your counseling research in these databases:
Follow these steps to search in several EBSCOhost databases at the same time:
You can connect words together in your searches using the boolean connectors AND, OR, and NOT.
Search examples:
"adlerian theory" AND child*
"adlerian theory" AND (child* OR youth OR adolescen*)
"adlerian theory" AND child* NOT school
Note: You can also use the Advanced Search.
FIND IT Button
If you don't see a link to the PDF full text article in a library database, click on the Find It button to possibly link to the full text article in another database or on the publisher's site.
Interlibrary Loan (ILL)
If you select the Find It button, and you see the message "No electronic access is available for this item," you have the option to select the button below that says "Request item through Interlibrary Loan" (see below). Another library that owns the article will scan it, and a PDF of the scan will arrive in 1-3 weekdays (at no charge to you). You can have up to 10 active ILL requests in the system at once time.
Note: ILL requests for books take an average of one week to arrive.
Another place to search for journal and periodical articles is Google Scholar. Below you will find instructions for setting your library links for Boise State University which will allow you to link to full text articles available in the Albertsons Library's subscription databases. You will also be able to link to the Library's catalog for books.