Provides access to the U.S. Geographic Names System and the National Geologic Map Database, geological surveys, Earth Science Photographic archive, and USGS publications.
Contains aerial footage of the results of flooding and mudslides which destroyed sections of state highways along the Payette River in Idaho in January 1997.
Contains aerial footage of the results of flooding and landslides which occurred along the Payette River in Idaho in January 1997. Includes footage along the river as well as the towns of Banks, Garden Valley, and Lowman.
Contains aerial footage of the results of flooding and landslides which occurred along the Payette River in Idaho in January 1997. Includes footage along the river as well as the towns of Banks, Garden Valley, and Lowman.
Contains aerial footage of the flooding and resulting landslides which occurred in southern Idaho in early 1997. Filmed via helicopter on February 25, 1997 by Rich Howard of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Area filmed was over the South Fork Payette River, Lower North and Middle Fork of the Payette River and the main stem from the confluence of the South and North Fork Rivers to Horseshoe Bend. The last section, filmed March 3, 1997, shows the flight path traced on a 1:100,000 map.
Discusses and shows the rapid movement and shifting of granular solids, liquid, and air. Describes how landslides develop and what the main characteristics are.
Documentary film of the destruction caused by the 1959 flood in Boise, Idaho, the reconstruction efforts, and the measures taken over the next two years to prevent future flooding.