To get the most out of the in-class Library Session, please do the following by Wednesday, October 2nd to prepare:
Step 1 : Review this Citation Manager Comparison Chart, that compares the features of these software platforms: EndNote Online, Mendeley, or Zotero
Step 2 : Choose the Citation Manager platform that best meets your needs, sign up and download the relevant software and plugins to your laptop or device.
If you're using one of these platforms already, you may choose to continue using this platform, or choose another one.
While you're waiting for class to begin:
We will be using this page for today's presentation
2. Find the Library Session in-Class Activities page
Do you currently use Citation Managing software such as Zotero, EndNote, or Mendeley to track and manage your research materials and citations?
Features of Citation Managing software:
NOTE: Some word processors have features that allow you to insert citations into your documents. For example, MS Word has a "References" feature that allows you to manually enter citation information the first time you cite a source. It creates the in-text notation and the reference citation at the end of the paper. You can then reuse that citation. These tend to lack the features of Citation Manager software and frequently have a limited number of citation styles available.
By the end of the library session, you will be able to:
Articulate the features of Citation Manager Software and their value for tracking, organizing, and citing your sources
In this exercise you will:
You will need the MSE 480: Activity Worksheet to complete in-class tasks. Below is a link to the Google doc. You will need to make a copy if you want to use it to take notes.
When you've completed the in-class activities, please share a tip with future MSE 480 students by using this link
Share a tip with future MSE 480 students
Your tips are anonymous and will be paraphrased/compiled into a list that will be posted in the course guide.