Top 3 Tips for Graduate Students
1) You do not have to earn help!
- You can talk to a librarian at any point in your project, even before you do a single search
- There is no "you should know this because you are a graduate" standard - even librarians ask other librarians for research help
2) Organize your research, right from the start
- The only wrong way to organize research is not to organize at all. Citation managers, online project managers, physical file folders, whatever works for you is the right way
- Since your classes will build to a culminating project, keep your research across semesters and save time later
3) Explore all the services the university and library have to offer your first semester
- The Writing Center, services for distance students, Office of Information Technology support - no graduate student needs to go it alone. Seek out all that the university has to offer no matter your student status or location.