I'm experiencing technical difficulties, how can I get help?
Email the library directly via Heather Grevatt at heathergrevatt@boisestate.edu with a description of the problem you are experiencing. We will coordinate with our technical staff and contact our WRDS representatives if needed.
How do I [find a specific data point] / [program a query] / [set up my work space], etc.?
Due to the scope and complexity of WRDS, the library liaisons are not able to provide research assistance within the database at this time. Please use "Support" > "Contact WRDS Support" to request research help.
I would like to access a data set Boise State does not currently subscribe to, how can I do this?
Email Heather Grevatt at heathergrevatt@boisestate.edu with the name of the data set you are interested in. If you are COBE faculty, you may also contact Kit Scott at kitscott@boisestate.edu to express your interest.
Please do not contact vendors directly as we have a WRDS representative who coordinates our access and individual vendors will not be able to provide accurate information or quotes based on our current licensing.