A ranking of international cities based on business activity, human capitol, information exchange, cultural experience, and political engagement.
Downloadable Data Sets
For this guide, data sets differ from statistics in that data sets are available for download and manipulation, while statistics are presented in tables, lists or other report forms that might be cut, pasted, and cited.
Census Data: Offers data from the decennial census, American Community Survey, and the Current Population Survey.
Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS): Allows you to access ready-made tables or custom tables with data on wages, unions, employment, prices, etc.
General Social Survey (GSS) Quick Tables: Great for users who want to quickly compare how major demographic groups (black v. white, liberal v. conservative, male v. female) respond differently to survey questions. Covers 1972 to 2004
Metro Trends: The Urban Institute's report card and toolkit for researchers, students, journalists, elected officials and the public on the state of metropolitan economies. Here you'll find up-to-date interactive maps, expert commentaries and relevant, downloadable datasets.