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Urban Studies



Integrating Shared Mobility into Multi-Modal Transportation Planning: Metropolitan area case studies.


CIVITAS: An initiative co-founded by the European Union. Focused on cleaner and better transport in cities.

ELTIS:The Urban Mobility Observatory: Eltis facilitates the exchange of information and experience in the field of sustainable urban mobility in Europe.


Transport Reviews: A peer reviewed journal describing transport organizations and policies internationally.

Urban Mobility Plans - National Approaches and Local Practice: A review of urban mobility plans from various countries.


Web Sites

Open Street Map

Recommended websites from Planetizen for urban planning, design and development:

Cities and Memory - collected, mapped, and in some cases remixed, sounds from places around the world

City Observatory - news and analysis

Global Bus Rapid Transit Data - measure, map and compare transit use around the world

Great Places in America - from the American Planners Association

Greater Places - a compendium of case studies

OpenStreetMap - open sourced and up-to-date. Stiff competition for Google Maps

Treepedia - maps the tree canopies of the world

UrbanLand - digital magazine from the Urban Land Institute

USAFacts - data from over 70 local, state, federal sources presented in infographics