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Biology 570 Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology

Web of Science Tips

You can sort your results so that the most cited articles are listed first:

You can also see a list of references for a specific article by clicking the article title and the cited references link:

Google Scholar Tips

To get the best full-text results, access Google Scholar from the Albertsons Library database list OR make sure is set up to recognize your BSU affiliation by:

  • On the Google Scholar page, access the settings.

  • From the Settings page, select the Library Links option on the left.

  • Search for Boise State and select the appropriate check box.

  • Find It at Boise State links will now show up where appropriate in your search results.

  • Google Scholar also allows you to see how many times an article has been cited and import it into a bibliographic manager like EndNote Web:

  • Click the More link (see above) to get information on how to cite the article: