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ECE 380: Product Analysis Report Resources

Tips and Resources for finding materials to complete an Engineering Product Analysis

Learning Outcomes

Learning Outcomes:

By the end of this session you should be able to:

  • Design appropriate search strategies to find information relevant to your product analysis report
  • Refine your search strategy in response to the information you find
  • Identify, collect, and cite 2 or more Peer reviewed articles to use in your product analysis
  • Identify, collect, and cite 1 reliable internet source to use in your product analysis



  • Completed Library Session Worksheet
  • 2 Peer Reviewed Articles or Conference papers relevant to the operation and functions of your product
  • 1 Internet source and your reasons as to why it is a reliable source

Worksheet for In-Class Activities

You will need a copy of the

ECE 380: Library Session Worksheet 

to complete in-class tasks. This is a Google doc.  You will need to make a copy so you can turn it in at the end of class.

Outline of In-Class Activities

Part 1 - Preparing to Search

In this exercise you will consider how your product works and begin developing a Theory of Operation. If you need to get some ideas by tinkering on the internet or talking with classmates, your professor, or the Librarian, feel free to do so. Then generate a few search strategies to use in searching library databases. One of these strategies will be used in Part 2.

Part 2 - Research Article Database Searching

New developments and current research are often first presented as conference papers and/or articles. In research databases, you will also find product reviews, descriptions of methodology, or innovations in / applications of particular processes, systems, and devices. There are 2 main databases that access this type of information, which you will be searching in this exercise:

Search these databases using one of the search strategies you generated in Activity 1, and answer the questions in Library Session Worksheet

Need Tips or a refresher on Searching Library Databases? Go to the Research Databases for Product Analysis section of this guide.

Part 3 - Search the Internet

Using your preferred internet browser, search the internet for reliable sources of information to use in your product analysis using the search strategies and terminology you identified in library research databases. Refine your search as needed.


Remember to Save and Cite:

  • 2 or more Peer Reviewed Articles or Conference Papers
  • 1 Internet Source

Share a Tip with your Classmates!

When you've completed the in-class activities, please share a tip with your classmates by using this link

Share a tip with your classmates 

Your tips are anonymous and will be paraphrased/compiled into a list that will be posted in the course guide.

Please sure your Feedback!