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ECE 380: Product Analysis Report Resources

Tips and Resources for finding materials to complete an Engineering Product Analysis

Welcome to Product Analysis Report Research!

Welcome to the ECE 380 course guide.  This guide covers resources available to you for researching information that will help you develop a Product Analysis Report.  Some tabs also give some tips for searching library databases, and resources for specific projects.


Prior to our in-class Library Research Session: complete the activities below so you will get the most out of the in-class activities.


Need help figuring out what you're looking for, coming up with a research strategy, knowing which database to search, or finding something you need?  Ask me, Tracy Bicknell-Holmes, your librarian!

  • Contact info: On the Welcome page - under left navigation menu
  • Consultation hours
    • in the Bronco Learning Commons (Library first floor):
      Wed, 2:00-4:00pm
      Thurs, 10:00-11:00am
    • By Appointment @
      • Appointments are in person, OR request a zoom link


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Pre-Class Activities

Pre-Class Activity 1 - Survey

Due: Wednesday, January 22nd by 5:00pm

Please complete this anonymous, 3 question survey to help the Engineering Librarian tailor the ECE 380 in-class library research session to best meet your needs.

ECE 380 Pre-Class Survey

Pre-Class Activity 3 - Find the Library Guide for ECE 380 in Canvas

Your librarian has created a resource guide for your class project. The ECE 380 guide is linked directly to the course through Canvas.  Log into Canvas, go to ECE 380. Find the "Library Resources" option in the left navigation bar. Look at the Library resources available - including room reservations and help via chat.  Find the link to the ECE 380 Product Analysis Report Resources guide.  Click on the link and take a look at the guide.


Example of Library Resources in a Canvas course

Activity 3 - Product Analysis Example

Take a look at a sample Product Analysis report, particularly the sections on Theory of Operation and Device Performance. What ideas does it give you for analyzing your product? Take a few minutes to write down a quick a list of objective criteria you might use to analyze the product you've chosen.

Pre-Class Activity 2 - Finding Library Databases - Refresher

Has it been awhile since you went to the Library website and found an Article Database to search?  If yes, here's a refresher:

The Library's website ( is your launch site class activities.

To find the databases for the exercises

1. Go to the Library's main page

2. Click on the Articles & Databases Panel

Library's main page with Articles and Databases panel circled

3. Scroll down till you see the Articles and Databases A to Z search box

4. Type in the name of the database you want & hit Enter

5. Click on the name of the database below the search box

Databases A to Z with Search Box and INSPEC databases noted

Presurvey Results

Have you ever completed a Product Analysis like this before?


Pie chart 80% no, 9% not sure, 3% yes



Where would you look to find "theory of operation" and "performance criteria" on your product?


Pie chart 47% don't know, 12% Company website, 9% datasheet or product sheet, 5% each Google, library databases and YouTube, 16% other