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Find Physics Research Articles

Physics Article Indexes and Databases - Best Bets

New developments and current research often appear first as conference papers and/or journals articles. You can find these in Article Indexes and Databases. You will also find product reviews, descriptions of methodology, or information on innovations in or applications of particular processes, systems and devices.

Multidisciplinary Science Databases

If you're not finding what you need in the recommended Physics databases, try one of these multidisciplinary science databases:

Find Other Databases to Search

From the Library's Main page (

Click the  Articles and Databases Panel

Library's main page with Indexes and Databases panel circled


From the Databases page you can Search for Databases or Browse your choices using the Database Alphabet bar.

Search for databases by one or more of the following:

  • Typing words into the Database Title / Keyword box
  • Selecting a Subject using the dropdown arrow
  • Identify the Type of resource you need using the dropdown arrow.

Includes types such as journals, maps, data and statistics, newspapers, dissertations and theses, e-books, images, primary resources, and more

Database search page noting word search box and dropdown menus for subject and type of resource


Click the Search button. Database options will appear below the search box

Click on the name of the database you want to launch it

Click the Clear Filters link if you want to clear your search and start over. This link will only appear after you click the Search button.

Clear filters link next to Search button on database search page


Browse Database Titles using the alphabet bar

Database search alphabet bar


Having trouble accessing a particular database? Use the Report a Problem button prominently located under the Search button on the Database Search page

Report an e-resources problem box

Using Google's Advanced Search

Google Scholar Advanced Search can help you structure your search around the keywords you generated for your topic, and give you ideas of how to focus your search. To get to the Advanced Search feature:

1. Go to Google Scholar ( and click the menu bars on the top left

Google Scholar with arrow to pointing to menu bars


2. Choose Advanced Search

Google Scholar Menu with Advanced Search circled


The structure of Google Scholar's Advanced Search template allows you to easily structure your search around your keywords, return articles authored by a particular person, published in a specific journal, or published between specified dates.

Google Scholar Advanced Search template

Who Cited this Article?

Many databases will show you who cited a particular article. Depending on the database you search, these citations might be from  articles, technical reports, dissertations, or other types of documents. Here are some options in broad general databases that might help.


Why are the Number of Citations Different?

You may find that the numbers of articles that cited an original article are different in each database you search.  Databases that have a "cited by" feature are retrieving the information from the content within their own database or a range of databases by that vendor, so their sources of information will differ.

Google Scholar will usually have more articles listed under their "cited by" because the database searches across the Internet