Number of people who have a hearing difficulty. Of these, 5.8 million are 65 and older.
Number of people with a vision difficulty.
Number of people 5 and older who have difficulty concentrating, remembering or making decisions. Of these, 2.1 million are children 5 to 17 years of age.
Number of people 5 and older who have difficulty walking or climbing stairs.
Percent of the population age 16 and older with a disability that are below the poverty level. Eleven percent of the population age 16 and older without a disability are below the poverty level.
Percentage of disabled people 16 and older who are not in the labor force. Twenty-seven percent of people without a disability are not in the labor force.
Median earnings of the population age 16 and older with a disability, this compares with $28,983 for the population without a disability.
Provided by the United States Census Bureau
Source: 2009 American Community Survey <>