The Campus Green Builder (CGB) online portal to green building information for academic institutions provides a one-stop online resource on campus green building that is free and accessible to all higher education institutions. Though the information provided is relevant to all higher education institutions, the CGB is particularly geared towards under-resourced colleges and universities. It aims to level the playing field for all institutions of higher education to gain access to funding and technical resources for green building. (From "About: Goals and Objectives", May 2012)
CBE is a place where prominent industry leaders and internationally recognized researchers cooperate to produce substantial, holistic, and far-sighted research on buildings. (From "About Us", May 2012)
GBRI is a research institute and education provider located in San Antonio, Texas. We were founded with the belief that the best way to encourage responsible development is to provide resources to the builders, designers, and engineers who are crafting our future. (From "About Us", May 2012)
The Green Globes system is a revolutionary building environmental design and management tool. It delivers an online assessment protocol, rating system and guidance for green building design, operation and management. It is interactive, flexible and affordable, and provides market recognition of a building’s environmental attributes through third-party verification. (From "Home", May 2012)
The Greenguard Environmental Institute (GEI) was founded in 2001 with the mission of improving human health and quality of life by enhancing indoor air quality and reducing people’s exposure to chemicals and other pollutants. In keeping with that mission, GEI certifies products and materials for low chemical emissions and provides a free resource for choosing healthier products and materials for indoor environments. (From "Home", May 2012)
The Green Guide for Health Care is a best practices guide for healthy and sustainable building design, construction, and operations for the healthcare industry. (From "Home, 1", May 2012)
Greenroads is a sustainability rating system for roadway design and construction. It is applicable to all roadway projects including new, reconstruction and rehabilitation (even overlays), and bridges. Greenroads is a collection of sustainability best practices, called "credits," that relate to roadway design and construction. Achieving these credits can earn points toward a total score for the project, and in general, this Greenroads™ score can be used as an indicator of sustainability for the roadway. Four different certification levels (rating) are available depending upon total score on a voluntary basis. (From "About: The Rating System", May 2012)
Green Seal develops life cycle-based sustainability standards for products, services and companies and offer third-party certification for those that meet the criteria in the standard. Green Seal has been actively identifying and promoting sustainability in the marketplace, and helping organizations be greener in a real and effective way since 1989. (From "about green seal", May 2012)
The HBN has played a key role in establishing precedent-setting green building guidelines for health care facilities, demonstrating well-built, healthy and green modular homes to the affordable housing market in the Gulf States region and developing the first, on-line evaluation tool for building materials. (From "About Us, 4th para.", May 2012)
The University of Idaho Integrated Design Lab in Boise [IDL] is dedicated to the development of high performance energy efficient buildings in the Intermountain West. This is approached through research, education and outreach efforts with students, owners, and professional design and construction teams. (From "Home", May 2012)
The National Institute of Building Sciences is a non-profit, non-governmental organization that successfully brings together representatives of government, the professions, industry, labor and consumer interests, and regulatory agencies to focus on the identification and resolution of problems and potential problems that hamper the construction of safe, affordable structures for housing, commerce and industry throughout the United States. (From "Home", May 2012)
The U.S. Green Building Council is committed to a prosperous and sustainable future through cost-efficient and energy-saving green buildings. USGBC works toward its mission of market transformation through its LEED green building certification program, robust educational offerings, a nationwide network of chapters and affiliates, the annual Greenbuild International Conference & Expo, professional credentials and advocacy in support of public policy that encourages and enables green buildings and communities. (From "Home, bottom of page", May 2012)
The U.S. Green Building Council Idaho Chapter seeks to promote sustainable design, building, construction and operation to create a better quality of life for Idaho. (From "About Us", May 2012)
The WBDG is the only web-based portal providing government and industry practitioners with one-stop access to up-to-date information on a wide range of building-related guidance, criteria and technology from a 'whole buildings' perspective. Currently organized into three major categories—Design Guidance, Project Management and Operations & Maintenance—at the heart of the WBDG are Resource Pages, reductive summaries on particular topics. (From "About", May 2012)
The WorldGBC is a coalition of national Green Building Councils, making it the largest international organization influencing the green building marketplace. (From "About: Who we are", May 2012)