These are but a few of the many great resources available on the web. If you have favorite websites or suggestions for content by all means let me know!
Boise State University, Department of Modern Languages and Literatures - Japanese.
More than 2,000 links have been reviewed by librarians at the Virtual Library; providing information about translating dictionaries, native literatures, language schools, and more.
Internet Public Library Literary Criticism Collection
Links to critical and biographical sites about authors and their works can be browsed by author, title, nationality, or literary period.
Japanese Text Initiative, Electronic Text Center, University of Virginia Library
A collaborative effort to make texts of classical Japanese literature available on the World Wide Web.
LangMedia: Japanese in Japan
learning videos in Japanese with translations.
Learn a language
Multi-language resource with hundreds of free language-learning lessons, games, and activities. The link takes you to the Japanese language section.
NHK WORLD's radio broadcast of 50 Japanese Lessons
Online Japanese Lessons for all ages. Contains videos, cartoons, MP3's, and a PDF textbook for download. Lessons for beginner and intermediate speakers.
Online Japanese Dictionaries and Glossaries
A collection of annotated links to online Japanese dictionaries.
WWWJDIC: Online Japanese Dictionary Service
The Japanese-English Dictionary Portal provides easy look-ups of entries in Jim Breen's Japanese-English dictionary, WWWJDIC.