You can search for a review article in Web of Science by choosing to do an Advanced Search. Enter your keywords, and then navigate to the menu that says, "Restrict results by any or all of the options below." Choose "Review."
ACS is always a good place to start when you are looking for chemical information. Conduct your search first using keywords. Then using the refining column on the left side, you can then narrow by Manuscript Type to "Review Article." These will be overall summaries of the existing literature.
Using your keywords, perform a search. On the upper right side of the results page you will see that you can narrow by Review articles. Select the link to "Review" only and you can get terrific and authoritative background information.
Since google uses natural language, Google Scholar is a good database to use to search too. What you can find are articles which link out to full text in the library's databases. Look for the FIND IT button.