Compilations of data from US government agencies and other sources are listed here. Titles have been selected for their provision of data over an extended period of time or for providing such tables within the publication.
Sources that provide statistics from several countries in one source are listed on this page. Boxes include 1) United Nations and associated agencies and 2) Other international sources.
Note: For the print volumes in the Boise State University Albertsons Library, (ref) denotes recent issues are located in the reference collection on the 1st floor and older issues are upstairs.
This internet based data service for the global user community brings UN statistical databases within easy reach of users through a single entry point. Users can now search and download a variety of statistical resources of the UN system.
Launched in February 2016, the United Nations iLibrary is the "first comprehensive global search, discovery, and dissemination platform for digital content created by the United Nations." Content is available through the "Read" link for online viewing.
"Every year around 500 new titles are planned to be added to United Nations iLibrary." (About page) Look here for facts and expertise on international peace and security, human rights, economic and social development, climate change, international law, governance, public health, and statistics.
UNCTAD (United Nations Conference on Trade and Devlopment) has revamped the handbook of statistics, beginning in 2018, making it "shorter and easier to read" with more graphics. (From UNCTAD Publications: Handbook of Statistics page, Feb 28, 2019)
Online: 2002-2017 (see e-Handbook link for more recent editions)
Print volumes in the Library:
HF1016 .U5 year -- 2000-2016.
Previous title: Handbook of International Trade and Development Statistics, HF1016 .U5 suppl yr. -- 1969,1988-1996/1997 with supplements 1981, 1986, 1987.
Current tables are online: Use this source for comparative studies with other countries, or for statistics related to foreign countries. Covers topics in education, science & technology, and culture & communication. Print volumes in the Library: AZ 361 .U45 yr. -- 1970-73, 1975-1999. Annual. Previous title was UNESCO Basic Facts and Figures, 1952-1961 (not held by BSU Library).
Other international sources
International Historical Statistics : Africa, Asia & Oceania, 1750-2000
Print volumes in the Library: ref HA 4675 .M552 2003 Includes a range of data for Africa, Asia and Oceania from various sources and time periods.
International Historical Statistics, Europe 1750-2000
Print volumes in the Library: ref HA 1107 .M5 2003. Includes a range of data for Europe from various sources and time periods.
International Historical Statistics, The Americas, 1750-2000.
Print volumes in the Library: ref HA 175 .M553 2003 Includes a range of data for the Americas from various sources and time periods.
This website provides access to datasets and publications from OECD related to the Main Economic Indicator series. For the older issues, scroll down to the Datasets archives.
Main Economic Indicators, historical statistics.
Print volumes in the Library: HC 10 .O67 -- 1957/66, 60/79, 64/83. Economic indicators include national accounts, industrial production, retail trade, interest rates and more.
Online coverage: 1986-2011; special topics after 2011.
This publication includes data tables covering worldwide environmental resources such as forests, water, agriculture, biodiversity, energy, and atmosphere as well as population and human development and in later issues, economic indicators and governance indices. After 2011, the format of publication changed.
Online labor statistics for over 230 countries, areas and territories for 2009-current. Includes information about occupational wages and hours of work, unemployment, strikes, and other categories. Data earlier than 2009 is being migrated from previous ILO database; some tables will have data older than 2009.
Online data for labor statistics from over 200 countries, 1969-2008.
Print volumes in Library:
(ref) HD 4826 .I63 -- 1968, 1971-2009. Annual.
Most recent title: Yearbook of Labour Statistics. Time Series.
Print volumes in the Library: (ref) HD 4826 .I53 -- 1985-2008. Monthly. Includes information about occupational wages and hours of work, retail prices of selected food items, and other categories.
International Financial Statistics Yearbook
Print volumes in the Library: (ref) HG3881 .I628, Annual, 1979-current From the Internatonal Monetary Fund
International Financial Statistics
Physical copies in the Library: 1971-current, Monthly, (ref) HG3881 .I626, [missing Aug 1973] 1948-1970, Microfilm (Microforms room, 1st floor) From the International Monetary Fund.
From World Bank: "GDF 2011 provides statistical tables showing the external debt of 128 developing countries that report public and publicly guaranteed external debt to the World Bank’s Debtor Reporting System (DRS). It also includes tables of key debt ratios for individual reporting countries and the composition of external debt stocks and flows for individual reporting countries and regional and income groups along with some graphical presentations." Click the graphic to view online.
Older publications are also available.
Print volumes in the Library:
(ref) HJ 8899 .W672 yr vol 1997-current. Annual. Previous title was World Debt Tables, 1983-1996.