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Biology 100

This guide will help you with the resources that you need for Biology 100!

What is a database?

  • Library databases contain information from published works.
  • Library databases are searchable.
  • Library databases provide citation information including author, title of the article, publication, publisher, and data of publication.
  • Library databases often contain full-text articles. You can print, save, email, and cite these articles.
  • There are different kinds of library databases and they each contain different material. 
  •  At Albertsons Library we have over 300 different library databases that search different materials and different subjects. 

Database vs. Google

The purpose of reading, understanding, and synthesizing articles is that through that process you will learn that material. Your instructors will know if you Googled the information, and copied it into your work. Not only will your work be incorrect, but that is plagiarism. By going through the process of searching and reading articles you learn. What is the difference between Googling and using a Database? 


Web pages

Databases contain authoritative information written by experts.

Web pages are written by anyone, not experts.

The articles in the databases contain facts that have been verified.

Web pages do not contain facts that are verified. Often they are opinions or ads.

Databases have citation tools that will cite the information for you.

Web pages are difficult to cite as there is limited information.

Databases will save you time by finding valid information faster than a web search.

Web pages are difficult to sift through to locate one that suits your needs.

Databases can help you narrow your information based on subjects. 

Web pages will not help you refine your search.