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Bibliographic Management Software and Citation Applications

An overview of bibliographic management software and citation applications, including in depth discussions of and instructions on using EndNote Basic, Endnote and Zotero.

The Basics

EndNote is one of the original bibliographic software applications. It has a web-based version called EndNote Basic (see tab in the left menu) that integrates with EndNote (desktop) for portability. For a chart comparing EndNote Basic and EndNote see here.

Free v. pay:
EndNote (desktop) is not free. It is a proprietary and machine based product, meaning it must be loaded on a single machine. It costs ~$100 for a student license. You can also download and try the software for 30 days for free here.

Since this version is a desktop application, EndNote is not portable, however, the purchase of a copy of the software allows you to create a free EndNote Web account which is portable meaning you can log into it from any computer anywhere in the world and all your research resources will still be just as you left them.

Resource Collection:
Most databases and catalogs have an option to export to EndNote which makes collecting resources easy and fast. You can also enter citations manually directly and/or edit ones you have imported as necessary.

Word processor integration:
EndNote only integrates with Microsoft Word through the Cite While You Write (CWYW) plug-in, though it is available for both Windows and Mac. The Cite While You Write toolbar should install in Word when you install the EndNote software on your computer.

Albertsons Library doesn't officially support EndNote, but we will do our best as time permits to help figure out EndNote issues.