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Find and cite images.

Citing images using MLA:

Citing images using MLA

Images found on the Web

Cite images found on the web as a digital file.

Basic formatting:
Author, name. Title of work. Year. Institution name, place. Format file.

Delano, Jack. At the Vermont State Fair. 1941. Library of Congress, Washington. JPEG file.

If you don’t have a title for the work, describe the work in brackets, as in this example of an image without a named author:

[Tubas and the marching band in the library].2009. Albertsons Library, Boise. JPEG file.



Work of visual art

Use for a painting, a sculpture, or a photograph in a museum or collection.

Basic formatting:

Italicize the title and list the date of creation, and then the medium. Also list the name of the institution that houses the work or the name of the collection, and the city of location.

Evans, Walker. Penny Picture Display. 1936. Photograph. Museum of Modern Art, New York.

Perutz, Dolly Hellman. Bird Flying Machine. 1973. Bronze. Central Park, New York.



Personal photograph - 

Describe the subject of the photograph, followed by the photographer's name and the date it was taken.


Child throwing ball. Personal photograph by Sara Seely. 20 May 2009.



Maps and charts - found on the web

Cite the map or chart as you would a digital file. Be sure to indicate if it is a Map or Chart, as you would indicate Web or Print. Here's how to do it:

Author. "Title of the map or chart." Chart. Title of the source. Publisher, Year. Web. Date accessed.


"Verb Tenses." Chart. The OWL at Purdue. Purdue U Online Writing Lab, 2001. Web. 31 May 2009.


Maps and charts - found in print

Cite the map or chart as you would a book. Here is how to do it:

Author. Title of the map or chart. Publisher city: Publisher, Year. Print.


Literary map of Idaho. Boise: Idaho State Library, 1976. Print.