EBSCOhost offers a variety of eBooks in many subject areas: children & young adult fiction, history, law, math, philosophy, religion, travel, etc.
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Other Features:
Collection | EBSCO eBook Collection |
Content | Albertsons Library's collection currently consists of over 250 titles. |
BSU Access (login required) | The individual ebooks in this collection can be accessed by searching the Library's catalog. |
Account Creation | Yes |
Loan Period | 7-14 days. Can put a hold on ebooks. |
User Limits | Vary by title. May be accessible as 1 user, 3 users, Concurrent access, DRM-Free or Unlimited user. Please email acqusitions@boisestate.edu for more information. |
Tools | Save & email pages, cite & export in various formats. Dictionary to look up words (also within the title itself). Share on various social media outlets. Export a limited number of pages to Google Drive. Can store notes in an account. |
System & Software Requirements |
Can be read online in the browser or downloaded as PDF in Adobe Reader. Titles can also be accessed in Adobe Digital Editions (download offline), and BlueFire Reader. EBSCO app is available for Apple & Android devices. DRM-free titles are Google Drive Integrated. EBSCO eBooks are now available in Smartphone Optimization (Mobile Responsiveness). |
Downloading & Printing |
Download/save/print multiple pages, sections, or chapters in PDF format as permitted for each title. Quickly download a DRM-free chapter from most EBSCO eBooks directly from the Table of Contents in EBSCOhost by clicking the Download Icon. |
Help Guide | https://help.ebsco.com/interfaces/eBooks_Audiobooks/eBooks |