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French Studies

Library guide for French studies, including French new wave.


Pronunciator is a personalized language-learning database. It has over With 100 languages (with 68 home languages) including American Sign Language (ASL, with 20,000 instructional videos) and English as a second language (ESL, with 50,000 instructional phrases and 10,000 videos).

This database allows you to study at your own pace, with personalized courses that include study guides and audio lessons, video phrases, native speakers, movies, music, and more. You can register to track your progress or select "Instant Access" to get started. This database is also available through the website.

Access Pronunciator from the library's Articles & Databases tab, and to the letter "P".

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YouTube language lessons

Check out YouTube for lessons on different languages, such as Learn French With Alexa

And Comme une Française