Historic Mexican & Mexican American Press
A new digital collection at the University of Arizona Libraries makes accessible more than 150 years of news coverage documenting the voice of the Mexican and Mexican American community.
"Dialnet es uno de los mayores portales bibliográficos del mundo, cuyo principal cometido es dar mayor visibilidad a la literatura científica Hispana" https://dialnet.unirioja.es/
LANIC (Latin American Network Information Center)
Academic resources for Latin American literature, including primary texts and criticism, are listed here in this University of Texas site dedicated to Latin American studies.
Linguist List
The “world’s largest online linguistic resource” run by linguistic professors and graduate students.
Modern Language Association
Founded in 1883 by scholars and teachers, 30,000 MLA members promote the study and teaching of language and literature in 100 countries.
Open Culture: Free Language Lessons
This collection features lessons in 40 languages, including Spanish, French, English, Mandarin, Italian, Russian and more. Download audio lessons to your computer or mp3 player and you’re good to go.