The Organization
Company Websites
Companies often provide valuable information online, including annual reports, sustainability reports, press releases, etc. . Look for:
Investor Relations
These links are usually at the very top or very bottom of the company's home page
What if I Can't Find Anything?
ABI/INFORM, Business Source Premier, or Access World News are all good places to search for these types of sources
Organizational Structure
Helpful Reading
Organizational Strategy
Where is the Strategy Hiding?
Sometimes a company's strategy is easily found in an annual report, a strategic plan, or shareholder brochures. When it isn't that easy information about a company's strategy can be found in:
What if I can't find anything!
Sometimes for small, private companies it can be very hard to find this information, especially if the business doesn't have a stated strategy.
Internal Environment
Company Information and Websites
Use the resources under "The Organization" to locate internal documents.
Can I contact the company?
Yes! However, if you are contacting a company that you have no relation with:
Public vs. Private
Public companies are required to disclose certain information that can make this topic easier. Private companies are not required to disclose. To locate information on private companies:
External Environment
Web Resources
Depending on your industry there may be governmental organizations, non-governmental organizations (NGO), or trade websites that will help. For example:
Reach out to your librarian for help identifying these types of sources for your specific industry.
Alternatives and Issues