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Canadian Studies

Canadian National Newspapers

Canada has two national newspapers:  The Globe and Mail and the National Post.

The Globe and Mail:

National Post:

If any of the links above are not working, do a search for the newspaper title in the Journals search.

U.S. Newspapers

New York Times

  • Full text articles in library databases:
    • New York Times (Online only), in ProQuest Central, 01/01/1996 to Present
    • New York Times - print, in ProQuest Central, 06/01/1980 to Present

National Review

  • Full text articles in library databases:

Example Searches for Library Databases

When searching in a library database, you will connect your keywords using Boolean connectors such as AND, OR and NOT.

Example Searches:

"trucker convoy"

"trucker convoy" AND ottawa

"trucker convoy" AND (ottawa or canada)

("trucker convoy" OR "freedom convoy") AND (ottawa OR canada) NOT america

("trucker convoy" or "truck convoy") AND (ottawa OR canada)


Search Tips:

Use quotes to search for phrases. Example: "trucker convoy"

Use an asterisk to search for variant endings of a word. Example: truck* will find truck, trucks, trucker, truckers, trucking

Find It Button

If an article is not in full text in a library database, click on the blue 'Find It' button  Image of the Find It button  on the results page to possibly link to the full text article in one of the library's other databases or on a publisher's site.

Finding Citations for Articles and Books

  1. You can usually find a citation for an article in the library database your are searching in.

    Alternatively, you can do a search in Google Scholar and then select the "Cite" link below the record on the results page.
  2. You can find a citation for a book by searching in WorldCat Discovery and then selecting the Cite link above the record. You can also search for your book in Google Scholar and obtain the citation there.

Journals Search - Search for titles of Journals, Newspapers, Magazines to Find Full Text

Find a Journal, Magazine or


Creating an Interlibrary Loan Account

Follow these steps to create an account:

  1. Go to the Interlibrary Loan (ILL) page.
  2. Select the link for Interlibrary Loan Service Logon.
  3. Enter your Boise State username and password.
  4. If you have not used the Interlibrary Loan system before you will be prompted to create a profile. You will have to do this only the first time that you use the service.
  5. You can now do interlibrary loan requests for articles through library databases or request books that the library does not own through WorldCat Discovery. You also have the option to go directly to the Interlibrary Loan page and manually enter the information for a request.

Google Scholar - Setting Your Library Links

Image of the Google Scholar logo
Another place to search for journal and periodical articles is Google Scholar. Below you will find instructions for setting 
your library links for Boise State University which will allow you to link to full text articles available in the Albertsons Library's subscription databases. You will also be able to link to the Library's catalog for books.

  1. Go to Google Scholar
  2. Select the 3-bar icon image of 3-bar icon in the upper left.
  3. In the left menu, select Settings at the bottom of the list.
  4. On the next screen, select Library Links in the left menu.
  5. Type Boise State University in the search box.
  6. Select the two check boxes for: a) Boise State University - Find It as Boise State; and b) Open WorldCat - Library Search.
  7. Select the Save button.
  8. Now you will be able to see Find It at Boise State links on the right side in your results list. These links may link you to the full text article in a library database or on a publisher's site.
  9. If you're looking at a book citation in Google Scholar, select the double arrows image of double arrows in Google Scholar , and then select Library Search to search for the book at Boise State University's Albertsons Library. If Albertsons Library owns a copy, select Borrow at the bottom of the record to be directed to the library's site.