The 3,200 members of this organization include physicians, nurses, computer and information scientists, biomedical engineers, medical librarians, and academic researchers and educators dedicated to developing and using information technologies to improve health care.
The oldest and largest organization of public health professionals in the world dedicated to influencing policies and setting priorities in public health.
The lead federal agency for overseeing the health and safety of U.S. citizens by providing reliable information about disease prevention and control, environmental health, health promotion, and related activities
Recognized as a key resource for finding the best government and nonprofit health information on the Internet; includes links to more than 1,700 health-related organizations. Provided by the United States Department of Health and Human Services.
General information at this webpage is provided about the NIH; including recent news, health information, a listing of grants and contracts, scientific resources, and contact information for affiliated institutions.
Powered by the world’s largest medical library, this is a gateway to the Medline/PubMed, TOXLINE,and Clinical Trials’ databases with links to the Human Genome Project, biomedical research, health services research, and public health. Offers literally millions of citations and links to medical and health information.
Represents more than 40,000 health information management professionals providing certification information, AHIMA event notification, and continuing and professional opportunities.
Offers leadership in the management of healthcare and the management of technology, information and change through publications, educational opportunities, and member services.
United States Environmental Protection Agency's Air Data page. AirData gives you access to air quality data collected at outdoor monitors across the United States.
Develops and enforces environmental regulations; offers research assistance to states, nonprofits, and colleges and universities; oversees its own research; furthers environmental education; and sponsors voluntary programs and partnerships to enhance and protect human health and the environment.
With 50,000 members, this organization is committed to representing the concerns of physicians-in-training and focusing on universal healthcare, disparities in medicine, diversity in medicine, and transforming the culture of medical education.
This student-lead organization offers a unified voice in providing information, education, advocacy, and services including career opportunities, publications, events, board announcements, etc.
This site offers links to considering careers in medicine, applying to medical school, financial aid information, MCAT services, publications, and other important helps for pre-med and pre-dental student
This site espouses promoting free access and alert services to medical journals and includes international resources; many are available for free six months to a year after publication including the New England Journal of Medicine, Journal of Cell Biology, Science, and Pharmacological Reviews
A free service to clinicians, researchers, librarians, educators, and veterinary students, this nonprofit is dedicated to offering current, relevant clinical information to those active in animal health and research, including continuing education, proceedings, and book reviews.