American Institute of Physics (AIP) citation style is commonly used for papers and publications in physics and related disciplines. In AIP style references are numbered in the order of appearance in the article and listed in numerical order at the end of the article. The basics:
In-Text Citations:
References are listed in the order of appearance in the text - i.e. in numerical order.
Journal or Magazine Article
Basic format (use abbreviated journal title when appropriate)
# First Name initial Last Name/Surname, Journal Title Volume, starting page (Year).
One author: 1A. Witze, Nature 542, 279 (2017).
Two authors: 2C. Guite and V. Venkataraman, Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 166603 (2011).
Several authors (e.g., ten or fewer):
3U. Schneider, L. Hackermüller, S. Will, T. Best, I. Bloch, T. A. Costi, R. W. Helmes, D. Rasch, and A. Rosch, Science 322, 1520 (2008).
L. M. Pecora, T. L. Carroll, G. A. Johnson, D. J. Mar, and J. F. Heagy, Chaos 7, 520 (1997).
Regular book: use italic for book title; additional information (Vol., Chap., Sec., p.,etc.) as appropriate
4C. D. Murray and S. F. Dermott, Solar System Dynamics (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1999), p.126
Edited book: use italic for book title; for edited works use form “in" and “by"
5J. L. Bishop, in Water on Mars and Life, edited by T. Tokano (Springer, Berlin, 2005), p. 65
AIP style manual does not give instructions for referencing online source. The essential thing is to include the URL of the website and the access date. The following format has been used in articles published in Physical Review D:
Author (or corporate author), Title of web page, <URL> (Accessed date).
Example: 6NASA. Jupiter: In Depth. (Accessed 12 May 2017)
Using Budriga and Forescu's article, Laser polarization effects on K-shell Compton scattering, published in 2007 in volume 41 the European Physical Journal D as an example, see how the AIP citation style compares another common citation style:
Citation in AIP Style
O. Budriga and V. Florescu, The European Physical Journal D 41, 205 (2007).
Citation in American Psychology Association Style, 7th edition
Budriga, O., & Florescu, V.. (2007). Laser polarization effects on K-shell Compton scattering. The European Physical Journal D, 41(2), 205–210.
Check your EndNote generated Citations!
Although EndNote and other Citation managers are great for managing your citations, and making it easy to cite within a paper, make sure you check the citations generated by EndNote to make sure they are correct. See how the citation for the Budriga and Florescu generated by EndNotes is different from the proper AIP Style. The differences are highlighted in yellow:
Citation in AIP Style
O. Budriga and V. Florescu, The European Physical Journal D 41, 205 (2007).
Citation as it comes out of EndNote
O. Budriga and V. Forescu, European Physical Journal D 41 (2), 205-210 (2007).
Need the abbreviation for a journal title? Try these sources: