At the end of the library session, you should be able to
Ultimate Goal = you'll have a good idea where to start your research
You will need the PHYS 499 Library Session - Worksheet (Google Doc) to complete in-class tasks.
Task 1 - Database Investigation
In this task you will search a Library databases and review your findings to discover the options available for sorting and refining your results, and retrieving the article, then share your insights with the class.
TIP: If you’re not sure, start with Inspec, if you’ve searched Inspec before, try Scopus (general science database)
Finish Task 1 by Sharing a tip about database searching with future PHYS 499 students
Task 2 - Export Citations into Citation Manager (Zotero)
In this task you will select a few articles from your database search and save them to Zotero. Use the PHYS 499 Worksheet to guide your work,
NOTE: this task assumes that you completed the Zotero Citation Manager Exercise prior to class, or are using another citation manager you like. If you haven’t you use this time to search another database.
Need a refresher on exporting / saving citations to Zotero? See Part 2 - Save article records to Zotero of the Citation Manager Exercise