There are many places you can look for materials properties and characteristics. These are just a few selected to get you started without overwhelming you with choices.
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includes profiles of Elements, magnetic properties, inorganic solid phases, polymer thermodynamics, thermophysical properties, corrosion rates; searchable by the Periodic Table of Elements; Primarily based on Landolt-Bornstein, also included: Inorganic Solid Phases (the Linus Pauling files), thermophysics for organic systems (Dortmund Data Bank Software), the Adsorption Database, the Polymer Thermodynamics database (ATHAS Data Bank) and the MSI Database (interactive phase diagrams).
crystal structure data including unit cell, space group, complete atomic parameters, site occupation factors, Wyckoff sequence, molecular formula and weight, ANX formula, mineral group, etc.
phase diagrams for oxides, salts, carbides, nitrides, brides, compound semiconductors, and chalcogenides; Collaboration between the American Ceramics Society (ACerS) and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
Binary & ternary phase diagrams for inorganic systems; Some materials included are aluminum, iron, nickel, copper, titanium, cobalt, and other alloy metals
by the U.S. National Institute for Standards & Technology: "collection of critically evaluated thermodynamic property data for pure compounds with a primary focus on organics"