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CHEM 390: Research Methods for Undergraduate Students

Research tips and resources for Chemistry research at the undergraduate level

While you Wait...

While you're waiting for class to start - Find the CHEM 390 Library Resources Guide

  1. Log into Canvas
  2. Then into your CHEM 390 course
  3. Scroll down until you see "Library Resources" in the left navigation bar
  4. Click the Library Resources Link
  5. At the top of the Library Resources page there is a link to the CHEM390 resources guide

We will be using the Guide in class today

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this in-class session you should be able to:

  • Design appropriate search strategies for your research as your information needs evolve
  • Differentiate between SciFinder, Web of Science, and Google Scholar in order to determine which are most relevant for your information needs, and be able to navigate them effectively
  • Understand how to get materials the Library does not own (InterLibrary Loan)
  • Be able to articulate one method of efficiently reviewing scientific articles
  • Be able to articulate the value of citation management software, and know where to find software available to do so

Worksheet For In-Class Activities

You will need a copy of the CHEM 390 Library Session - Worksheet to complete in-class tasks. The link below goes to a Google Document.  If you'd like to take notes in the worksheet, make sure you make a copy of it.

CHEM 390 Library Session - Worksheet

Share a Tip with Future CHEM 390 Students!

When you've completed the in-class activities, please share a tip with future CHEM 390 students by using this link

Share a tip with future CHEM 390 students 

Your tips are anonymous and will be paraphrased/compiled into a list that will be posted in the course guide.