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CHEM 390: Research Methods for Undergraduate Students

Research tips and resources for Chemistry research at the undergraduate level

What is InterLibrary Loan (ILL) and Why Should I Use it?

Interlibrary loan (ILL) is a service whereby you can borrow books, documents, etc. from a Library other than Albertsons Library. You can also use ILL to get copies of documents or articles that are owned by another library.

  • The Library absorbs the cost of Interlibrary Loan. We do this for you at no cost!
  • Turnaround Time
    • Articles can take up to three days to receive
    • Books may take 2 weeks or longer
  • Plan ahead and make sure you you fill out the “date needed by” box

InterLibrary Loan (ILL) Basics

Finding ILL from the Library's Main Page

To get to the Interlibrary Loan (ILL) services page, start on Albertsons Library's main page and click the "Using the Library" tab just under the blue banner at the top of the screen.

Library's main page with Using the Library tab circled


Click on the Interlibrary Loan link in the right navigation bar

Library's using the library page with Interlibrary Loan circled in the right navigation bar


First Time User?

Use the Interlibrary Loan Service (ILL) logon link at the top of the page and type in your Boise State username and Boise State password. A registration page will appear:

  • Fill out your contact information
  • Add your College, department or discipline, and your status
    • We use this information to track materials borrowed so we can add high use items to our collection
    • This information also helps us understand general use we can make improvements to the service
  • Once the form is complete, hit submit the form to create your free account
  • The Main Menu will come up and you are ready to use ILL

Once you start using ILL, when you log into the ILL services page you will see a articles that are ready to be downloaded, any books you have borrowed and checked out from other libraries, and any outstanding requests that have yet to be received.

The Interlibrary Loan (ILL) services page has a good set of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) (left menu) about using the service to answer many of your questions.

An Article I Requested is Ready - Where do I go to Get it?

You will receive an email notification when an article you requested is ready for you. When you go to the Interlibrary Loan Services page, you will see a note on the main page "Electronically Received Articles" that are ready for you to retrieve. Click on the "View" button on the right side of the screen.

Note: You might be asked to log in using your BSU email and password.

Electronically Received articles with view button circled


You can also use the History tab on the ILL Services page to see all of your requests, those that have been cancelled, and those that have been completed.

Interlibrary loan services page with history tab circled

Make ILL requests for Books from within WorldCat Discovery

When you find a book in the catalog that Albertsons Library does not have, it's easy to request a copy through Interlibrary Loan. In the right navigation bar, you will see a box labeled "Access Options". The box will have a link to "Request item through Interlibrary Loan" if the Library doesn't own it.

Access Option with Request through Interlibrary Loan button


When you click the button, you will go to a "Book Request" form that is already partially filled out.  Check the citation to make sure it is correct. Add any notes you wish to help library staff find the item for you, the click "Submit Request".

Note: you may be prompted to login with your Boise State login and password when you click the Request Item button.

You will receive an email when the book is ready for you to pick up at Albertsons Library.