Your ILL account will be blocked for three reasons.
Call the ILL office at (208)426-3827 or email us at for help.
There is no cost to our patrons because Albertsons Library absorbs the cost of Interlibrary Loan on behalf of its users. Exceptions are lost items.
At this time, due to licensing and copyright issues, ebooks cannot be borrowed via ILL worldwide. Please check with a Reference Librarian regarding your options.
Lending times vary based on the lending library.
Until our staff has sent out your ILL request, you can cancel it through the ILL system. After the ILL request has been sent out, you will need to call (208) 426-3827 or email ( to stop the request.
As seen below, if your request has been processed and sent out, you will see a "Waiting For A Lender" message in the transaction's status.
For password issues or general myBoiseState help, call (208) 426-4357, 7:00 AM-10:00 PM Monday thru Thursday and 7:00 AM-6:00 PM Friday, chat online during business hours, email: or visit their website.
For items published in the most recent five years, sometimes the Library will choose to purchase the item rather than borrow it from another library. To help us decide on your request, we might ask if you need the item for research or a class? Why do we ask this question?
We try to borrow current textbooks from lending libraries.
Please plan. Articles can take up to three days to receive, and books may take two weeks or longer. Every effort is made to meet the borrower’s “date needed.”
Click Profile on the Interlibrary Loan Home Page to update or change personal information. When you are finished, remember to press the Submit Information button.
The individual borrower is responsible for any ILL materials damaged or lost. The library will email overdue notices to the borrower once the item is past its due date. The item is considered lost with the third overdue notice or after 30 days, and the borrower’s account will be blocked. Materials are for the borrower’s personal use only. Because of copyright and ILL code regulations, it is never advisable to obtain ILL materials for group use (i.e., for Reserves, seminars, labs, classes, or committees).
For books published in the most recent five years, the library will sometimes purchase the item rather than borrow it from another library. To help us decide, we may ask you to please reply to these questions:
Do you need this book for a class?
Do you need this book for research?
If for a class, what is the class name and number?
Do you need this title as an ebook or print?
Do you need the entire book or just a chapter?
Albertsons Library does not own ILL items. The items are lent to our patrons by other lending libraries nationally and internationally. ILL items are, therefore, under the lending library's rules, such as due dates.
Interlibrary loan items are considered lost with the third overdue notice, and the borrower’s account will be blocked. How to get your account unblocked?
Your Interlibrary Loan Article Request may be canceled if
Your Interlibrary Loan Book Request may be canceled if
1. The Interlibrary Loan Unit can not find a library to lend the book.
2. The citation is bad.
3. The book is only available in electronic formats.